The Emotional Connection We Share with Our

PowerPoint Slides

Your slides are your children…

Creating a PowerPoint presentation is more than just assembling slides; it’s an emotional journey that reflects our thoughts, ideas, and aspirations. Here’s why we form such a deep connection with the slides we create:

presentation skills training

1. Personal Investment

When we build a presentation, we pour our knowledge, creativity, and effort into each slide. Every detail, from the color scheme to the choice of images, is a reflection of our personal investment in the topic. This makes each slide a piece of our intellectual and emotional labor.

2. Storytelling

Presentations are a form of storytelling. As we craft our slides, we’re not just presenting data; we’re weaving a narrative that conveys a message. This process requires us to engage deeply with our content, connecting emotionally as we strive to make our story compelling and impactful.

3. Achievement and Pride

Seeing a completed slide deck can bring a sense of achievement and pride. It’s a tangible product of our hard work and dedication. Whether it’s for a work project, a school assignment, or a personal endeavor, the finished presentation serves as a testament to our abilities and effort.

4. Audience Connection

We create slides with our audience in mind, aiming to engage, inform, and inspire them. The anticipation of their reactions—whether it’s applause, questions, or a nod of understanding—adds an emotional layer to the creation process. We feel a connection with our audience through the slides we present.

5. Continuous Improvement

Every presentation we create is an opportunity to learn and improve. As we look back at previous slides, we see our growth and development. This continuous journey of learning and self-improvement fosters a deeper emotional connection with our work.

6. Feedback and Interaction

The feedback we receive from others about our presentations, be it positive or constructive criticism, impacts us emotionally. It shapes our future efforts and often motivates us to refine our skills further.


Our PowerPoint slides are more than just a means to convey information; they are a canvas for our creativity, a platform for our storytelling, and a reflection of our growth. The emotional connection we develop with our slides drives us to create, present, and improve continuously, making each presentation a significant part of our personal and professional journey.

What emotional connections have you felt with the presentations you’ve created? Share your experiences in the comments below!

Hi I’m Johnny from Audiencealive.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this overview and that it impacts on your next presentation. If you feel that you’d like some help then of course, we are here to do so. At AudienceAlive we use only native animation effects and graphics created in PowerPoint to ensure our clients have the maximum possible flexibility with the slides. We can work from a storyboard, text files, or existing presentation. We can design a custom template that you can then populate, or we can produce the entire presentation for you from start to finish. We can also help with advice on delivery and advanced PowerPoint training via our online training courses or in person training.



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