Orai – the voice coach app
Uses AI to help give you feedback on your public speaking, tone, pitch, volume, clarity and impact!
Presentation training is crucial
Orai is targeted at anyone who wants to improve their public speaking skills. Roughly 75 percent of us don’t like speaking in public. You can use orai before any pitch or presentation to practice public speaking and get instant feedback. Orai also provides world class lessons on public speaking to help you polish your public speaking skills.
Orai promises to make anyone become a better public speaker with the help of artificial intelligence. After you download and install the free app, you recite your speech into the app, and it sends the recorded data to the cloud, where the AI analyzes it. Orai then parses the speech for red flags. For instance, the app tracks the number of “ums” that you utter and points them out to you as unnecessary filler words that are signs of hesitation. It also tells you how clearly you are pronouncing words and counts the number of words that you say in a minute, monitoring the pace of your speech.
And Orai measures the “energy” of your speech, like whether you speak in a monotone that will put people to sleep or whether you emphasize certain words. “Some people don’t emphasize the right words or they say ‘um or ah’ or they speak too fast,” the creator explains. “We’ve used machine learning algorithm and trained it on thousands of talks.” Much like Toastmasters, Orai offers you a safe environment to practice in, giving you positive reinforcement and practice. The team is taking feedback and is planning to add features and other updates. Among the improvements the company wants to deliver: analysis of how you use your hands and non-verbal cues from your facial expressions.
So now you have no excuse to not have an impactful voice! Read on if you’d like to find out more about our online and in-person training courses.
Online Presentation Skills Training
Years of experience
Students trained
Increase in sales using better techniques
Increase in client engagement
Out with the old, in with the new
Death-by-PowerPoint, Bullet-Points, Reading slides; these are just some of the mistakes today’s presenters make when trying to communicate effectively. Our presentation course focuses on how to effectively use the latest interactive and multimedia technologies to really create and impact!
Read More...Attendees leave the presentation training course with key tools and techniques which flip their presentations from just ‘blah’ to ‘WOW’, ‘amazing’, ‘incredible’ etc. The resulting presentation is more memorable and ultimately seals a deal or nails a point home. Our corporate presentation training can add real value to your business because it’s not solely about ‘the presentation’. Our presentation learning courses, offer strategic tools to convey messages with conviction and confidence, giving your staff important communication and interpersonal skills that can be used in many other settings to help them successfully sell an idea or product.
Looking to train your kids?
Our presentation skills training courses are designed to work for YOU
We know that one size doesn’t fit all so we customize our public presentation training depending on your needs: Have a fear of presenting? No worries, we’ll focus on developing your communication skills so you’ve got confidence and presence when speaking. Want a kickass presentation template designed and then rolled out to your salespeople? No drama, we’ll teach the fundamentals of effective presentations and how to use creative design tools to help push your message. Have a CFO who reads every one of his 60 slides at every meeting? Oops…can’t help there. Kidding. Your CFO just needs to learn more about presenting – we’ll show them what to do, and what not to do in keeping your audience alive.
Be trained in presenting with the professionals at Audience Alive. We’ve been around the block since 2001 and would love to use our experience, industry know-how and presentation expertise to help you become the ultimate presenter…admired by the masses…out to save the world. But seriously, we would. Presentation skills training is our thing!
Audience Alive Presentation Training Courses
Writing a script
Filter and condense
Start with the end in mind
Keep it simple
The art of story telling
Examples of great speeches
Lessons from Steve Jobs
Acquiring confidence
Show your passion
Start strong
Keep it short
Remember the “B” key
Make good eye contact
Voice – tone, pitch, projection
Keep it simple
Limit bullet points & text
Limit transitions & builds
Where to find great images
Use appropriate charts
Using video effectively
Learn amazing animations
Prezi, Keynote
Electronic Voting systems
Augmented Reality
Registration Systems
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